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Author: Laura Woods
Co-Writer: Ellice Evans

- Benefits of being a PA
Story credits to Mari Alonzo

Mari is our Personal Administration Assistant. More responsibilities can also come with its perks! Mari manages a drama group in her spare time and has aspirations to work with accessible children. She started her Kickstarter Scheme placement at the end of January 2021.

Mari’s take on the benefits of being a PA

“What I love about being a PA is the flexible working hours. My flexibility allows me to work with little to no stress in planning my day around work. 


Another aspect of the PA role that I enjoy is ordering items for the office. As this is in my control, I can make sure that my team are equipped with the best quality things. Also, I know when these items will be available, so I get first pickings from all of the goods!  


I honestly recommend this role to anyone who enjoys being independent and flexible.”

General PA benefits
Training & Development

Training your thought process for the role, you have to be organised and be on the ball. You have to articulate yourself; being well spoken will come in handy for any future office-working environment.


Strategy-planning and managing workload is an essential part of being a PA to keep track of multiple projects at once. Each PA will have his/her preferred organisation methods that will eventually become a natural habit. This makes personal life easier, organising your finances, childcare, household maintenance, you name it!


Data at your fingertips: of course, data protection is a must, but for example, if you cannot get hold of someone and they forget to put their ‘out of hours’ on, you can check if they have booked time off work and notify your manager and colleagues. 


Business Advances

You can work your way up in a business or manager role. Being a PA means you can dabble in everything and gain a broad range of skills; therefore, it is more beneficial to promote someone with this wealth of knowledge. The ability to become flexible in the office environment will allow you to join specific sectors like the NHS or schools with appropriate training.


Being Supportive

What is great about being a PA is that you have insider awareness of everyone’s schedules and plans. Colleagues will tend to come to you for guidance so you can point them in the right direction. Small acts of kindness can make someone’s day.